
The blog has moved…

We are back on Blogger… so head on over to and keep up to date.  Also, I will now be sending out a monthly newsletter.  If you would like to receive it then please sign up here


A Little Inspiration

Every couple days I seem to get an email from someone trying to sell me the latest greatest Photoshop actions.  More often than not I just click “delete”, however, on occasion I do browse the email for a little inspiration.  As you can see, I was inspired!  I created two actions for this vintage effect; one for the color and another for the texture.


Thanks for looking!

Robert Wilson

Jason and Valerie | A Tucson Engagement

I have known Jason and Valerie almost as long as I have been in Tucson.  A year ago March I had the privilege of going on (and photographing) a surprise hot air balloon ride for Valerie.  If you have never seen the adventure, then check it out here.  Now, a year and a half later, Jason and Valerie are officially engaged; and I once again had the privilege of photographing them.  Congratulations to you both!

We started our shoot at the Hilton El Conquistador Resort, and finished with a traditional southern Arizona landscape over at Gates Pass.  We couldn’t have asked for a better day to do pictures!

Hilton,El Conquistador Resort,Tucson,Arizona

Hilton,El Conquistador Resort,Tucson,Arizona

Hilton,El Conquistador Resort,Tucson,Arizona

Hilton,El Conquistador Resort,Tucson,Arizona

Hilton,El Conquistador Resort,Tucson,Arizona

Gates Pass,Tucson,Arizona

Gates Pass,Tucson,Arizona

Gates Pass,Tucson,Arizona

Gates Pass,Tucson,Arizona

Gates Pass,Tucson,Arizona

Thanks for looking!

Robert Wilson


Arizona Theatre Company Gala 2011

This years Gala marked the 45th aniversarry for the Arizona Theatre Company.  The night was filled with drinks, food, a live auction, dancing and a performance by Academy Award nominee Javetta Steele.  Although the evening began with some very unusual rain showers for this time of year; it did clear up in time for Dinner.

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

The light rain didn’t put a damper on everyone’s spirits

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

Most people huddled together next to the building minus a few brave umbrella holders’

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

The annual presentation of the Georgy Award.  Lew Schorr and Lewis and Roca were named as this year’s recipients.

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011,Javetta Steele

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011,Javetta Steele

There is no lack of passion when Javetta Steele is on stage.

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

a,Arizona Theatre Company,Gala 2011

It was great to be a part of the Arizona Theatre Company Gala again thin year.  Thanks for looking!

Robert Wilson