
September Wallpaper of the Month – Fort Collins, Colorado

Yes, I know it’s October already, but as they say, “better late than never.”  This was taken the first week of September just outside Fort Collins.  On the left you can see Horsetooth Reservoir stretching off to the north.   Beautiful!
Click here for the standard 4:3 aspect ratio, or here for the wide 16:9

Coming soon:
An detailed update with all the latest news
Our American wedding
Our road trip to Tucson including pictures from the Great Sand Dunes and the Grand Canyon!

Robert Wilson

August Wallpaper of the Month – Yangshuo, China

Anna and I spent a wonderful four days in Yangshuo before leaving China for the States.  Yangshuo is about a 12 hour train ride from Guangzhou and is famous for its distinct karst landscape.  One evening just after sunset we hiked up a small peak in the central city park for this photograph.
Click here for the standard 4:3 aspect ratio, or here for the wide 16:9

Check back in a couple days for a complete post about our trip!
Robert Wilson

July Wallpaper of the Month – Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong

I have always seen pictures of Hong Kong and thought “what a beautiful city”; but I never thought I would make it there.  You know how life is sometimes though;  in January I found myself in China and last weekend I was in Hong Kong.

Anna and I had a fantastic time touring the city, visiting the harbor, visiting the beach and eating some long awaited Mexican food.  I will post more pictures and information about our fantastic trip in the next couple days.

Click here for the standard 4:3 aspect ratio, or here for the wide 16:9

Thanks for looking!
Robert Wilson

May Wallpaper of the Month

Rain, lightning and a beautiful sunset all made for this gorgeous Dongguan evening.  We live on the 21st floor of an apartment building with an amazing view (on clear days) to the north. Many days you can only see less than five miles due to the haze, but because of the recent rain the air has been a good bit clearer.  On a downside, this is why you don’t go out and play in the rain because it is full of pollutants.

Click here for the standard 4:3 aspect ratio, or here for the wide 16:9

I took around 150 pictures and ended up with only two that had any lightning. Although the lightning was fairly sporadic, it was worth the wait.

Thanks for looking!
Robert Wilson

March Wallpaper of the Month

It’s been a while since I posted a monthly wallpaper and it feels good to have a new one up.  This months wallpaper was taken when I was up at Windy Point with the Scotts.  It is looking south-east over Tucson with Kitt Peak visible in the distant center.

Click here for the standard 4:3 aspect ratio, or here for the wide 16:9

Robert Wilson

August Wallpaper of the Month + Update

I left Tucson August 5th and since them have been to Colorado, through Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, and have spent time both in eastern and western Washington.  I have definitely enjoyed myself, but am also at the point where I am ready to get home.  Through Montana we caught some rain and low lying clouds which was quite the treat considering I am living in Tucson.

While up in Northeastern Washington, we spent a day four-wheeling and exploring in the mountains. About the only “wild” life we saw were some cows, but it was still a great time.

After leaving eastern Washington we took the North Cascade route through Winthrop, over the Cascades and down to the coast. There must be something in the water of “Diablo Lake” as there is nothing natural looking about it.

I’ll finish up my travels in the next post. For now, enjoy this months wallpaper. This was taken on a ferry between Anacortes and Friday Harbor, Mount Baker can be seen in the distance.

Click here for the standard 4:3 aspect ratio, or here for the wide 16:9

Thanks for Looking,
Robert Wilson

July Wallpaper of the Month

It’s the small things in life… A few weeks back not long after I woke up; I walked outside and was amazed to find all this white puffy stuff in the sky. For those living in the rest of the country, you might not be so amazed by a few scattered clouds; but after what seemed like a couple months; they were a welcome, and foreign, sight.

You may remember this picture from a while back from a small series I did downtown. Being that is is monsoon season once again though I felt it was an appropriate wallpaper for July

Click here for the standard 4:3 aspect ratio, or here for the wide 16:9
Thanks for Looking,
Robert Wilson

June Wallpaper of the Month

With the arrival of June comes a new wallpaper (and a new monitor).  Seeing as I now have a wide-screen monitor, I have found some new compassion on all those that also have a one and had a hard time using the monthly wallpapers.  As a result, I am now offering them in two formats, 4:3 and 16:9.  Please enjoy and share to your hearts content.

The Barfoot Lookout Cabin is located at 8823 Feet above sea level high in the Chiricahua Mountains.  It was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1935 for the detection of wildfires.  In the center distance you can see Cochise Head

Click here for the standard 4:3 aspect ratio, or here for the wide 16:9
Thanks for Looking,
Robert Wilson

May Wallpaper(s) of the Month

This month you get two for the price of one; or in other words, still free!  Both of these images are from this past Friday’s hike up Table Mountain.  Because they each had a vastly different feel to it; I decided to include them both

Santa Catalina Mountains

Click for Ful-Res
Cactus in Bloom

Click for Ful-Res

Thank you for looking!
Robert Wilson

April Wallpaper of the Month

Tucson Spring

Click for Ful-Res

I realize it is April already and that I missed putting up a March Wallpaper of the Month!  I don’t know where this year is going but it is definitely going fast.  For those in Arizona; this is so we can hold onto spring a little longer.  For those just about everywhere else; enjoy your spring!

Thank you for looking!
Robert Wilson

February Wallpaper of the Month


Click for Ful-Res

Just before sunset this past Wednesday the overcast sky lit up as the sun peeked through a sliver in the clouds.  If you were to look the opposite direction you would have caught a beautiful full rainbow.  All this lasted maybe five minutes at most before the sun set behind the clouds and everything returned to the cool grey that it was.

Thank you for looking!
Robert Wilson

January Wallpaper of the Month

Ragged Top Vista

Click for Ful-Res

That was taken part way up Ragged Top looking north towered Picacho  (Picacho Peak is top right)  I was inspired by the way the clouds were laying shadows across the landscape.  Thanks for looking!


December Wallpaper of the Month

December Calm

Click for Ful-Res
Although it was only 14* outside, it was dead calm and amazingly becautiful; well worth the (short) treck outside.  Thanks for looking!

October Wallpaper of the Month

After the Rain

Click for Ful-Res
Something a little different this month; some abstract beauty.  As much as I would like to say it was really rain; it wasn’t.  Who has to know though.  Enjoy!

September Wallpaper of the Month

This is another shot from the Mt. Wrightson hike a few weeks back. A little over half way up the trail we were presented with this beautiful view over the canyon and the desert to the northwest. When the clouds opened up to share a little sunlight on the near hill; I knew that was my chance.

Click on image for high-res

Enjoy the View!
Robert Wilson

August Wallpaper of the Month

It’s that time again, you know, when you get free stuff. This month I am pulling a picture from the archives that I took back in 2007. Cascade Creek is one of my absolute favorite places; its beauty is just outstanding. I’ll let it speak for itself August

Click for full size imageClick on image for high-res

Thank You!
Robert Wilson

Wallpaper of the Month

I love and appreciate everyone of you who supports my photographic endeavors. As a way of saying thank you I am going to be offering a different desktop wallpaper every month for you to enjoy, and to share. This month’s photograph was taken at Copeland Lake just inside Rocky Mountain National Park. The light in the sky comes not from the setting sun, but the distant city lights to the east.

Thanks for looking!

Click for full size imageClick on image for high-res

Robert Wilson