friends and family

An American Road Trip

We left for Tucson after spending about a week and a half with the family in Fort Collins.  We decided to take our time and make a mini-vacation out of it.

Zapata Falls,ColoradoA little over a five hour drive from Fort Collins is the San Luis Valley, Great Sand Dunes National Park, and Zapata Falls.  Zapata Falls is only a couple miles from the Park Entrance, so we decided to make that our first stop.  A couple miles up from the main road you come to the parking lot which overlooks the San Luis Valley and the Sand Dunes.  The falls are about a quarter mile from the parking lot.


Fall Update

As many of you know, my wife Anna and I have recently returned to the States from China.  Although our time in China was wonderful, we are glad to be back in the States for this next season of life.

Since being back in the States we have:

Gotten “America” married
Had a wedding reception and BBQ in Colorado
Taken a road trip through Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona
Made the move to Tucson

The past couples weeks we have been busy getting settled in and, for me, reconnected with the Tucson community.  It’s good to be back Tucson!


Yangshuo, China

I just realized as I was catching up a little work, that these pictures never got posted to the blog.  Just before leaving China Anna and I took a four day trip to a nearby province.  We caught a night train in Guangzhou and arrived in Guilin the next morning.  It was quite the experience.

Train,Hard Sleeper,ChinaBoarding the night train.  It was soon bustling with travelers.

Li River,Yangshuo,ChinaAt the Li River

Li River,Yangshuo,ChinaWe took a “bamboo” raft  down a famous section of the Li River.
The 20 Yuan note has an image from the Li River on the back.

Li River,Yangshuo,China

Yangshuo,China,Li RiverOur raft opperator; great at piloting the boat, not so great for conversation (unless you speak Mandarin)

Li River,Yangshuo,China

Li River,Yangshuo,ChinaThe Li River as it winds past Yangshuo


Bamboo House Inn,Yangshuo,ChinaWe stayed at the Bamboo House Inn for three nights.  It was a nice place at a great place.  If you are ever in Yangshuo check it out!



Yangshuo,ChinaRural Yangshuo

Yangshuo,China,BicycleWe rented bicycles a couple days and enjoyed exploring the countryside



Yangshuo,China,BambooReal bamboo rafts 🙂




That’s wraps up our time in China!  Check back soon for some updates from America!

Robert Wilson

Guangzhou, China

Cliff, a student of mine, treated Anna and me to a tour around Guangzhou the Saturday before Anna and I went to Yangshuo.  The three of us took a bus from Dongguan to Guangzhou.  Cliff’s brother met us in Guangzhou and drove us around for the day.


Our first stop was the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall.  Sun Yat Sen was the predecessor of the Chinese revolution for democracy.


Guangzhou,China,Shamian Pa

Our next stop was Shamian Island.  This island was divided and given to both France and England by the Qing Dynasty government.  With its colonial architecture, Shamian Island feels more western than Chinese.

Guangzhou,China,Shamian Island

Guangzhou,China,Shamian Island


“Nature’s engineering can be replaced by human creations.  Manpower is better than natural creations.  The human world is created in a way like this.  A visiting here surpasses learning from books for ten years.”  Although I can’t say I agree with Mr. Guo Moruo’s statement, I did find the Chen Family Academy an amazing place to visit.





The Five-Ram sculpture in Yuexiu Park has become an important symbol of the Guangzhou people.  It is an important part of their city, and was an excellent way to finish up our tour.




One Last Trip to Hong Kong

I really didn’t expect us to be going back to Hong Kong after our previous visit.  Not because it wasn’t a good trip, it was fantastic, but because it just wasn’t fitting into our plans.  This was of course until Anna and I were given a very nice gift to stay in the Marco Polo Hotel.  We just couldn’t pass it up!

We only stayed for one night but had a great time walking around Tsim Sha Tsui, where the Marco Polo is located, and Victoria Harbour.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong,Ball Tower

For many years the Ball Tower was used by ships in the Harbor to synchronize their clocks.  Everyday at 1pm someone would raise and drop the ball.  This was visible from all over the harbor, and when it was seen, all the ships would set their clocks to 1:00.

Hong Kong,Ball Tower

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Hong Kong,Victoria Harbour

Hong Kong,Victoria Harbour

Hong Kong,Avenue of the Stars,Victoria Harbour

Avenue of the Stars

Hong Kong,Avenue of the Stars,Victoria Harbour

Hong Kong

Anna and I just returned from another trip, so be looking for those pictures in the next week or so!

Robert Wilson

Hong Kong

We went to Hong Kong on Friday night to help my sister-in-law get all her things to the airport.  On Saturday morning we took the Metro from the Airport and began our adventure.

We saw the Bank of China Tower on our way to our first destination.  It is a famous building known for its architecture (If you follow architecture at all).

The Peak Tram.

The Tram takes you to the top of the peak over looking the city and Victoria Harbor.  It is well worth the money if you have a clear day.

Hong Kong and Victoria Harbor.

On Saturday afternoon we went over to the other side of the island.  Although it is still a part of Hong Kong, it has a vastly different feeling.

To get across the island we took a double-decker bus.  Not only did it provide great views, but it was also a little like a roller coaster.

One benefit of being in an international city is international food.   We were both super excited about enjoying some Mexican!

My beautiful wife Anna.  This was our daily routine, waiting for the Metro.

Lady Street is a famous street markett in Hong Kong known for its shopping, good quality copies and bargaining.  This was on our way to Lady street.  I was amazed by the crowds.

Victoria Harbor at dusk.

We had beautiful weather and an amazing weekend. Thanks for looking!


Songshan Lake

A couple months ago I made a trip to Songshan lake with a family that Anna and I know. Our first stop was at a ‘traiditional’ local farm near the lake. I really don’t know how traditional it actually was, but it was interesting to see none the less.

After the farm we went to another part of the lake to walk around and have lunch.  We ate at this famous restaurant that during the week only caters to Government officials.  I wasn’t overly impressed by the restaurant, but did enjoy the experience.

More to come soon; thanks for looking!
Robert Wilson

YinPing Shan

YinPing Shan, or as you would say it in English, Silver Bottle Mountain, is the tallest mountain in Dongguan.  Although it was technically in Dongguan it was still about a a 50 minute drive over there.  Many thanks to my friend Jason for putting together another hike and for providing the transportation over to the mountain!

The hike to the top of YinPing Shan covered about 6 miles and 2400 feet of elevation, most of which was steps.  I am finding out that this is the Chinese way.

The Crew

YinPing Shan, as well as quite a few other words which I do not know

The ‘official’ start to the hike

We saw so many people carrying their children up three miles of steps.  At least one of them is loving it!

Photo compliments of Anna Wilson

Back at the bottom!

Jason took the photo for Anna and me.


Thanks for looking!


Xue Lian Mountain

This past Sunday morning I went hiking with my friend Jason, whom I recently met at a couples study, along with some of his family and friends.  We went to Xue Nian Mountain about 20 minutes south of where I live (it took me a while to understand the name of the mountain).  Even though their were so many people, it was still a beautiful getaway from the normal hustle and bustle of city life.

Steps…  there are always so many steps in China

Some of the people I went hiking with

I love the stone pathway through the trees!  For some reason it makes me think of the Wizard of Oz  (Perhaps I could Photoshop the path yellow…)

The top of the mountain!

…and more steps

Thanks for looking!

I’m Married!

Anna and I got married here in Dongguan on January 29th, 2011.  We had a very small ceremony, four of us plus the minister, and it couldn’t have been better.  We did however miss seeing all of our friends and family and as a result are planning a couple wedding parties for them when we come back to the States.

Anna’s older sister was a huge help in a lot of ways, including taking all the candid pictures before and after the ceremony.  I have included a couple of the candids along with the formal portraits I did of us after the ceremony.


The Wedding Party

Opening our first “official” wedding gift!

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson

Thank you to everyone who has always supported me and my photography,
(The newly married) Robert Wilson

I’m Engaged!!!

Anna is definitely the story teller of the relationship and could probably write a complete novel about everything that led up to this point. I, on the other hand, am not. That being said, I will still share a couple quick points.

First, I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing woman. Anna is everything I dreamed of and more.
Second, doing your own engagement pictures is quite a bit different than doing someone else’s. When you have 10 seconds to get from on top of a cliff to lying in the grass next to your fiancée… while looking natural… you get the picture.

Robert Wilson

Update Pt. 2

Washington was beautiful, especially out on the coast.  70* Weather, partly sunny and only a couple sprinkles.  I’m not sure as if I would want to live there, but it was great for a visit.

We spent a day down at the beach, went crabbing, and just enjoyed ourselves.  The thing about crabbing that surprised me is that you don’t through the crab in some boiling water and cook it.  You take the live crab, rip it’s shell off, scoop its guts out and then tear it in half.  Morbid sounding, I know, but oh so good tasting.

The seaweed after the tide started going back out

A couple days later we took the Ferry over to Friday Harbor for a couple hours (The previous wallpaper was from that trip)  It was definitely a beautiful trip.

I finished up my trip with a day down in Seattle. I went down to Pike Place Market with my cousin Pam, went to the original Starbucks, and took the monorail over to the space needle. I love the feel of downtown Seattle.

Until next time,
Robert Wilson

August Wallpaper of the Month + Update

I left Tucson August 5th and since them have been to Colorado, through Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, and have spent time both in eastern and western Washington.  I have definitely enjoyed myself, but am also at the point where I am ready to get home.  Through Montana we caught some rain and low lying clouds which was quite the treat considering I am living in Tucson.

While up in Northeastern Washington, we spent a day four-wheeling and exploring in the mountains. About the only “wild” life we saw were some cows, but it was still a great time.

After leaving eastern Washington we took the North Cascade route through Winthrop, over the Cascades and down to the coast. There must be something in the water of “Diablo Lake” as there is nothing natural looking about it.

I’ll finish up my travels in the next post. For now, enjoy this months wallpaper. This was taken on a ferry between Anacortes and Friday Harbor, Mount Baker can be seen in the distance.

Click here for the standard 4:3 aspect ratio, or here for the wide 16:9

Thanks for Looking,
Robert Wilson

Rustler Park – Chiricahua Mountains

100* in Tucson, 75* at Rustler Park; I think that is enough reason right there to get out camping.  Rustler Park is about 130 miles to the east of Tucson in the Chiricahua mountains, and is situated at 8500′. It was almost like being back home in Colorado with the pine trees and deer! Beautiful time away, enjoy!

Looking east at the Horseshoe fire.  As of yesterday 1600 acres had burned and it is 16% contained.

The crew

Robert Wilson

Downtown Globe

Globe is one of those places that had a mining boom (or two) and then that was it. Originally it was silver; and more recently copper. Unfortunately, many of the mines in the area have closed their doors due to a decreased copper demand leaving globe in a state of constant depression. That being said; I believe their is hope for Globe as is really cool old town in a great location.

The Arizona Eastern Railway

The Gila County Jail was originally in the back of the Courthouse (just to the south); but due the the “wild” nature of globe was over crowded as soon as it opened.  Plans were quickly made for a new jail; which opened its doors in 1910.  We were fortunate to not only get the standard tour, but also the extended upstairs tour.  I have a feeling our lovely tour guide was more excited than we were!

“Every Puff a Pleasure”  I love old murals like this!

Thanks for Looking,
Robert Wilson

Fleur de Tucson: Birthday Surprise

This past Thursday was my friend Valerie’s birthday.  As a surpirse for Valerie, Jason (Mr. Boyfriend) decided to take her on a surprise hot air balloon ride with a couple good friends.  This surprise involved waking Valerie up at 5:30am and kidnapping her.  I’m not going to lie; it was kind of fun.  Mike Fleury of Fleur de Tucson was our amazing balloon pilot.  He has over 28 years of experience; and was very knowledgeable about everything we flew over.

Thank you Jason for having me along, thank you Valerie for being born, and thank you Mike for flying.  It was an amazing trip!

Jason made a stylish blindfold out of some ski goggles
Filling it up!

Tucson Mountains

That’s mike on the left

We flew just to the right of this rock outcropping

The Birthday Girl

The small sunny mountain on the right is Ragged Top

All that balloon fits in one big “Stuff-sack”

Thanks for looking,
Robert Wilson

Hike to Seven Falls

This Past Wednesday I went on a fairly-spur-of-the-moment hike up to Seven Falls with my friend Derrek.  I had never been there before and thoroughly enjoyed the hike.  The creek was really rushing right now from all the moisture we have had; which made for a beautiful trip.

Numerous times we had to remove our shoes and wade through the water as the creek was exceptionally high.
I was a little more cautious about the jumping the creek then Derrek was as I was carrying a camera backpack full of gear (and didn’t want to fall in with it)

Bear Canyon
On one hand; I am glad Derrek made it across without getting wet.  On the other hand though; it would have made for an interesting picture if he hadn’t.  I obviously waded this one as it was a little far to risk.

Derrek took this picture of me about the cross over onto the rock.  He also captured one of me hanging onto a small tree that’s about to bend and dump me in the creek (I didn’t fall in).  Unfortunately it came out blurry

Seven Falls

I would love to do a sunrise shoot at Seven falls as it would provide for some exceptional light.  The only problem is finding somebody who would want to hike the four miles up the trail with me in the dark to get there at dawn.  I realize some people might do this by themselves… I’m not one of those people.

Thanks for Looking,


 I wanted to send a quick update about my travels up here in beautiful Colorado… so I am!  Thanksgiving was a great time with the family; we had nearly 20 this year (It seems to grow all the time).  The last two days I spent up in the mountains west of Fort Collins at my parents new cabin.  They have been working on it the past two summers and its beautiful (quite posche for a little cabin.).  Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving; I’ll write again soon!

Mom in her new kitchen!
Dad in his Ham Shack; who knew he liked to talk so much
Lichen Garden
A Pinch of Sun

Post #101 – Mount Lemon

This past week I had a friend visiting from Colorado. It was an unseasonably warm 103* that day, so we made an escape up the mountain. Here are a couple pictures from our trip

Stephanie: also a photography fanatic

As I was climbing down a steep rocky bank on the side of the road I caught a loose spot (one of many) and took a slide down the hill. Rather than throwing the camera; I sacrificed my body.

Thanks for Looking,

Men’s Camping

Last weekend just before heading back to Arizona I went up camping with a couple guys I used to attend church with. They were having their men’s weekend while their wives had a weekend of their own. I don’t fit the married category yet; but I do fit the adventurous man category and had a great time. We cooked steaks, ate S’mores, played with sharp objects, climbed mountains, destroyed things, went swimming and worshiped God; you know, man stuff! I did however, being an Arizona boy as of late; skip the swimming in the freezing lake. Enjoy

Robert Wilson

Packing the car: four guys and a lot of stuff

On the Road

The good life: A hammock, a guitar, and nothing pressing to do

Horsetooth Peak: our campsite is somewhere off on the right near that little cloud

At the lake

On our way back to camp from the lake. Horsetooth peak is that rocky-topped mountain near the center of the picture
